Positional information

It is possible to see the precise positional and dimensional information of each item as packed. This is exposed as x,y,z co-ordinates from origin, alongside width/length/depth in the packed orientation.

z    y
|   /
|  /
| /



    // assuming packing already took place
    foreach ($packedBoxes as $packedBox) {
        $packedItems = $packedBox->getItems();
        foreach ($packedItems as $packedItem) { // $packedItem->getItem() is your own item object
            echo $packedItem->getItem()->getDescription() .  ' was packed at co-ordinate ' ;
            echo '(' . $packedItem->getX() . ', ' . $packedItem->getY() . ', ' . $packedItem->getZ() . ') with ';
            echo 'l' . $packedItem->getLength() . ', w' . $packedItem->getWidth() . ', d' . $packedItem->getDepth();
            echo PHP_EOL;