Custom constraints

For more advanced use cases where greater control over the contents of each box is required (e.g. legal limits on the number of hazardous items per box, or perhaps fragile items requiring an extra-strong outer box) you may implement the BoxPacker\ConstrainedPlacementItem interface which contains an additional callback method allowing you to decide whether to allow an item may be packed into a box or not.

As with all other library methods, the objects passed into this callback are your own - you have access to their full range of properties and methods to use when evaluating a constraint, not only those defined by the standard BoxPacker\Item interface.

Example - only allow 2 batteries per box

    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\PackedBox;

    class LithiumBattery implements ConstrainedPlacementItem

         * Max 2 batteries per box.
         * @param  Box            $box
         * @param  PackedItemList $alreadyPackedItems
         * @param  int            $proposedX
         * @param  int            $proposedY
         * @param  int            $proposedZ
         * @param  int            $width
         * @param  int            $length
         * @param  int            $depth
         * @return bool
        public function canBePacked(
            Box $box,
            PackedItemList $alreadyPackedItems,
            int $proposedX,
            int $proposedY,
            int $proposedZ,
            int $width,
            int $length,
            int $depth
        ): bool {
            $batteriesPacked = 0;
            foreach ($alreadyPackedItems as $packedItem) {
              if ($packedItem->getItem() instanceof LithiumBattery) {

            if ($batteriesPacked < 2) {
                return true;  // allowed to pack
            } else {
                return false; // 2 batteries already packed, no more allowed in this box

Example - don’t allow batteries to be stacked

    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\PackedBox;
    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\PackedItem;

    class LithiumBattery implements ConstrainedPlacementItem

         * Batteries cannot be stacked on top of each other.
         * @param  Box            $box
         * @param  PackedItemList $alreadyPackedItems
         * @param  int            $proposedX
         * @param  int            $proposedY
         * @param  int            $proposedZ
         * @param  int            $width
         * @param  int            $length
         * @param  int            $depth
         * @return bool
        public function canBePacked(
            Box $box,
            PackedItemList $alreadyPackedItems,
            int $proposedX,
            int $proposedY,
            int $proposedZ,
            int $width,
            int $length,
            int $depth
        ): bool {
            $alreadyPackedType = array_filter(
                iterator_to_array($alreadyPackedItems, false),
                function (PackedItem $item) {
                    return $item->getItem()->getDescription() === 'Battery';

            /** @var PackedItem $alreadyPacked */
            foreach ($alreadyPackedType as $alreadyPacked) {
                if (
                    $alreadyPacked->getZ() + $alreadyPacked->getDepth() === $proposedZ &&
                    $proposedX >= $alreadyPacked->getX() && $proposedX <= ($alreadyPacked->getX() + $alreadyPacked->getWidth()) &&
                    $proposedY >= $alreadyPacked->getY() && $proposedY <= ($alreadyPacked->getY() + $alreadyPacked->getLength())) {
                    return false;

            return true;